
Ad un'associazione dilettantistica sportiva, in virtù di un accordo con la società concessionaria dell'impianto sportivo, venivano destinati degli spazi, a titolo gratuito, per lo svolgimento dell'attività relativa, in particolare, al reparto giovani, in base ad un preciso calendario concordato con la società concessionaria. Tuttavia, a...

The firm was entrusted with the collection of a debt for professional services which had been rendered (in this case medical dealings). As the Client had been paid with an outstanding check, we verified that all of the legal conditions were met and then immediately...

As a result of an accident with a foreign vehicle, the owner of the damaged vehicle filed a claim with the Justice of Peace of Arezzo suing the Italian authority that is responsible for the legal management of disputes involving vehicles with foreign number plated...

During the proceedings arising from the damages suffered by the patient of a well-known dental practice, the office of the injured party requested a preventive technical investigation to ascertain liability and the extent of alleged damages as well as, if possible, for the purpose of...

As a result of a car accident caused by an inadequate maintenance of the road’s surface, Anas S.p.A. was summoned to appear before the Court of Arezzo to be ordered to pay all damages suffered by the plaintiff's vehicle. Anas had actually denied compensation for...

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